pink graphic that says "Family Dance April 5, 2025, 5-7pm"
 image of word bubble with red background that says “We are hiring!”
grey image with red fabric hearts that says "Carrollton Public Schools February 2025"
red graphic with snowflakes that says "Carrollton Public Schools closed February 13, 2025"
graphic that says "Step Up & BWell carrollton February 2025 newsletter"
pink graphic that says “Carrollton Elementary school families are invited to a FREE Family Valentine’s Dance February 15, 2025 5 - 7pm {Please RSVP using this QR code by 2/7/25 to secure your spots!}”
photo fo seven school board members
grey graphic with red mitten holding a thermometer that says “Carrollton Public Schools CLOSED January 21, 2025 due to extreme cold temperatures”
grey torn page with red Cavalier logo that says "New Safety Protocol Photo IDs now required for visitors"
red graphic with snowflakes that says "Carrollton Public Schools is CLOSED January 13, 2025"
January BWell newsletter
graphic with blue and grey snowflakes that says "January Carrollton Public Schools 2025"
image with a wreath on a snoy fence that says "Season's greetings"
snowman in a snowglobe that says "Happy Holidays from Carrollton Public Schools"
photo of exiting school board members in front of the branding board
graphic with evergreen and bulbs that says "December 2024"
graphic with emoji faces that says "we want your feedback"
red and green graphic with Santas that says “ You don’t need a gym or equipment for effective resistance training. Bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and planks can build strength anywhere. Household items, like a backpack filled with books, or affordable resistance bands, also work well for strength training. With a bit of creativity, you can get the benefits of resistance training without a gym. Sign up at”
black graphic with snowflakes that says "Carrollton Public Schools is CLOSED December 5, 2024"
graphic with fall colors and pumpkins that says “No school November 27 - December 1 for the Thanksgiving holiday. We look forward to seeing our Cavaliers again on Monday, December 2!”